The Frequency of Sugar is as Important as Quantity!
I would like to remind my patients that the best way to avoid cavities is to limit your sugar intake (in addition to brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and coming to see me every six months). Note that the quantity of sugar consumed is important, but *the frequency of exposure is critical.* For example, if you drink three cans of soda a day but drink them with meals, you are less likely to get decay than if you were to sip one can a day for several hours and *bathe your teeth in sugar*. When consuming sugary drinks, check the Nutrition Facts. Divide the grams of sugar on the label by 4 to determine how many teaspoons of sugar is in it. A 12 ounce can of Coke has 39 grams (almost 10 teaspoons). 12 ounces of Snapple Iced Tea has 35 1/2 grams (almost 9 teaspoons). An 8 ounce Red Bull has 21 grams of sugar (5 teaspoons). 12 ounces of Gatorade has 21 grams of sugar (5 teaspoons).