Dr. Silberman is a Lively Presence to Help Runners!
When asked why Dr. Silberman cheers on runners during marathons, he said it started many years ago when his close friend, Miles Haven, asked if he would join him to provide music to help Miles get to the finish line of a 50 mile JFK Marathon. It evolved over the years and now marathon runners come to expect him and the music and the cheers he brings to the event. Ask a marathon runner you know if they have seen him. People often thank him and tell him he helped them.
When asked why he wears a Mr. Incredible costume, he answers that it has more impact on the runner and brings up their spirits more because he is a hoot- approachable- a fictional character cheering them on.
His adult daughter, Lauren, a great joy in his life, will sometimes join him wearing a Violet costume (daughter of Mr. Incredible in the movie). Together they make for a lot of fun and encouragement for the runners.
His next commitment is the JFK 50 Mile Marathon held this year on Nov. 22nd- it is always held the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s a 50 mile run. It’s an Ultra-Marathon, whereas a simple marathon is 26.2 miles. Simple? Really?